She was a star
A shooting star at that she knew
But she knew she had not yet landed and with that came uncertainty.
She was a lily pad
But also the motor that ripped her up in the lake
She was the rain California prayed for
And she was the mudslides that came after
She was the head buzz you got from nicotine
And the cancer you got from cigarettes
The full tummy you got from a home cooked meal
And the dishes you had to clean up afterwards
She was, and is, the heart filled feeling of kissing someone for the first time
And she was the heartbreak of moving trucks and packed up boxes two years after you said ‘I do’ but you “don’t” anymore
She was completed checklists and white boards
She was chaos and clutter
She was tied shoes and blazers
But she really loved sweatshirts and tie dye
She was a star, oh how she was a star
She shined brighter than every crystal and diamond on earth
But she lived in the deepest darkest caves
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