A gurgle cleaves through silence
Saccharin liquid fills your throat.
Drown in the handkerchief as it suffocates,
muffling vapid gasps covered by chartreuse.
The clicking of the clock loud to your ears,
as worn brass reflects like a mirage in your
panicked state.
Lapis merges with amethyst as bruises form.
A silk noose constricts around your neck,
pale cerulean, stark against discolored skin.
Your hands reach out to grasp the tangible.
A fish out of water your body oxygen deprived
stiffened with fear against the weathered table.
Fingers rasp against smudged metal as the chalice
drops in a soft knock. Hands fall limp to your sides.
Eyes haze over, akin to dusty glass.
Your last breath whistles out, clouded by the wind.
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